Friday, 8 March 2013

Kashflow API PHP example

Its been a while since my last post mainly due to the amount of work getting a new product ready for launch so thought I would share a bit of knowledge with the world in the way of a quick and dirty Kashflow API demo. Just recently I was asked by a client to provide a form for their website so a client could pop an invoice number into it, press a button and get the invoice details along with some payment links.

Looking on the forums there seems to be quite a few bemused newbie coders about that are either having trouble getting  native SOAP mod to work in PHP or just not being able to get their head around it full stop. So here's what I posted just recently which is the code in a basic but workable format that was used as a demo for the client.

Trying to keep it simple I have not put this into a class, nor have I included any of the callbacks from when the payments are made. I figure that anyone that can understand the concept could quite easily whip up the class and record the payments, plus for those out there that are just starting out, that's perhaps the next step. If anyone wants the full class when it handles the payments against the invoices please either:

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PS: bit of Friday fun for you thanks to +Ben Griffiths  for the link

Hope everyone has an awesome weekend.