Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Freeletics - the results.

15 weeks has passed and I'm really glad to be sharing the results. I am kinda hoping that someone somewhere might read this and it be a catalyst for change in them, if so i'd love to hear about it!

It seems like only yesterday when I stood in the front room and took the first set of pictures. At the time I remember noting down how I felt, lethargic, and fat with little motivation to do many things. Just pretty blurghhh.

Fast forward to now and I finally feel great about myself. I didn't manage to do such an awesome montage as most so here are some pics of me before and after. I also did a quick video on you tube of my journey too.

You can see them all on my Google Plus album here: Click Here

It hasn't been an easy ride at all. At the start I felt so unfit that I tried to justify not carrying the sessions all the way through, time after time. Things started to get easier around week 8, it finally seemed to click and I found myself doing the previously unthinkable. When I was really bored I would drop down onto the floor and do some push up Max sets or I would finish a session off and then just run around the house and garden. I started to believe and push.

I made a video which I will attempt to upload to show how much of struggle it was at the start. I only managed 20 of the burpees before I was trying to catch my breath in my first session and it took me nearly an hour to do the first Aphrodite but as you will be able to see towards the end, things do get easier. Aphrodite used to fill me with dread, now I think of it as one of the easier ones.

If you want to read more about each day of the freeletics journey I have made a page with a list of all the posts here : Freeletics Journey

To everyone out there, reading my blog.
To all the people who said my beard made me look older, unknowingly you pushed me harder.
To mum for my birthday money which I spent on the freeletics coach!
To Zoe for telling me I look 20 years older!! ( I trained harder than ever the next day )
To Paul for the nutrition advice (
To Colin for the kind words of advice and support (

Finally for the guys and gals at Freeletics ( for developing such a simple yet massively effective and enjoyable way of getting fit.

Here's to the next 15 weeks!

Sunday, 20 July 2014

Freeletics Week 15 HELL WEEK!

This week proved to be another false start, in a way though I am quite glad. Hell week started on a Friday for me and the following day was the photo shoot. I had intentions to do the sessions while I was away but had such a good and relaxing time that I ended up having a few days off which then rolled into a week and so have started again today (Mon 14th)

Session 1
Venus 29:45 PB
Nice start to the week thankfully as I had to go get the axle fixed on the mower today so by the time I had got in it was already 7pm. Venus is one of my favourites, I love burpees because I feel like I have had a good all over workout and pressups because my arms really burn. 

Session 2
Squat Max 220 * PB
Situp Max 116 * PB
Metis 5:51 * PB
Looks like a week off has done me good, PB's across the board and feeling great to be back at it.

Session 3
Metis 05:48 * PB
Hades 27:39
Artemis 28:47
I'm not sure why it's not marked me as a PB as that's the fastest I have done so far! 8:37am and quite a hot sunny day today (23C) Fortunately apart from the pullup bar everything else I did in the shade of the garage.

It took some willpower to get up this morning early enough to have breakfast at 6am so I could do the first set before work, I did Artemis first, plan being to use the one that my arms fail on first then packing in plenty of protein. Then a small session for lunch and another large one before tea. It's worked so far.

Just done Metis in my lunch break and another PB, I wasn't aiming for a time this time around, just going as steady as I could and it has paid off. Quick snack, shower and back to work!

Session 4
Hades 21:50 PB
Happy with this one at over a minute faster. I really had to push myself as the day was slipping by, busy at work and didn't get started until 6pm. I could murder a big tea but it's too late now. 

Session 5
Hades 22:23

Session 6 
Pushup Max 56 * PB
Pushup Max 45 *
Leg Lever Max 120 * PB
Jacknife 31 * PB
Pushup Max 46 *

I managed to split this down through the day by doing a set of pushups and the Leg lever in the morning, then some pushups at lunch and the Jacknifes and pushups at tea time.Maintaining a PB across the entire day was pretty hard, my arms never seemed to recover after the first set.

Session 7
Hyperion 16:28 PB
Aphrodite 23:16 * PB
Split Lunge Max 120 * PB

Last day, and so glad to have got this far. I did the split lunge first thing in the morning, the thought being that I could get the easy one out of the way before breakfast. Lunchtime was Aphrodite which I managed to be over a minute faster for my PB, It took me 5 minutes or so to recover as I sat outside int he pouring rain cooling off.
Finally Hyperion which I am happy to say I managed to do all the handstand pressups as they should be done and the first 24 pullups as they should be done too.

Looking back at the first few sessions and the video I made of my first day I am so glad that I took the decision to start, it's not been easy and there are so many times when I have felt like giving up. 

Wednesday, 2 July 2014

Freeletics week 14

One week rolls straight into the next at the moment. Due to being ill I have to do the following two weeks back to back to ensure I finish within the subscription. Fortunately the weather is good and I have the time available to do it all with, so time to push on!

This weekend I had been out collecting more logs for the fires and had needed to split some down. I figured it would be a good idea to try to do it after Hyperion but after only two wheelbarrows of logs I had to call it a day. However with help at hand I manged to get a snap of where I currently am and I have dug out where I was when I started. Bit of a difference so far!

BTW the strap around my ankle is a magnetic one for the pain, not a tag that you get instead of jail haha.

Session 1:
Hyperion 22:07 PB
Not a bad start to the week, I was quite a bit faster this time around simply because I didn't take the entire 60 second rest breaks between each set. Some of them I had ten seconds or so and started the next set as I was itching for more!

Session 2:
Ares 07:56 PB
Split Lunge 127*PB
I'm not so sure looking at the numbers here that I was counting right last time but the difference is massive on the Split Lunge. Really enjoyed this session, quick and love the pullups these days. I can remember at the start struggling to get even one pullup, today I managed the first set in Ares, seven pullups and then had to resort to the modified ones after the 11th pullup. A huge improvement from the start.

Session 3:
Hyperion 21:19
Love this one too, I still can't do HS Pushups and the strict pullups are mainly modified ones but the entire session is great. My legs really burn after this one.

Session 4:
Ares 09:43
Split Lunge 132*PB
The Ares set does look like a huge drop, nearly two minutes slower, however in session 2 I didn't rest for the full 60 seconds each time and this time I took time to rest and felt better for it at the end.

Onto the final week, which I have gotta do straight away as I only have 7 days left on my subscription and it is hell week this next week which means a full 7 days training.

I did manage to take some progress pictures which I will upload during this week and share some awesome sites I found in regards of Freeletics.