Monday 24 March 2014

Freeletics Week 1

I ache!!!

That about sums up the week.

Day 1. (Wed)
Pushup MAX (27*)
Pullup MAX (2)
Pushup MAX (28*)

As these are all MAX ones it is simply a case of doing as many as possible in 100 seconds of each one. Simple... or so I thought. Pushup's I managed to get to where I thought, Pullups though; absolutely no chance unless I literally jumped up at the bar. So I did two correctly and the rest were me just putting as much strain on my arms as possible. The final pushup's I reached the wall and just couldn't do any more.

After only a few minutes of exercise in total I felt like it wasn't really doing much, although the following day I can feel a little soreness in my chest and while I was doing it I did feel my muscles burning.

Day 2. (Thur)

Burpees MAX (36)
Squats MAX (101*)

The first set had it's own complications, mainly to do with two over excited spaniels which combined with my terrible fitness made it hard to do even 36. Squats not so much of a problem as I managed to maintain good form but slow. Now a few mins after and i'm sweating like a good un and my legs are aching!!! I'm pretty thankful for having the forethought to cut all the logs for tonight and tomorrow morning as the prospect of weilding a 6 pound axe isn't appealing any more. Bath time!.....

Day 3. (Sat)
Basically the same as day one but changed around, two lots of pullups and one set of pushups. Needless to say I did 2 pullups, 30 pushups and 3 pullups. At the end of this one I felt pretty de-motivated as I thought that surely I should be doing more than 2 pullups.

Day 4 (Sun)
Aphrodite Click to view
Now this was bloody hard work and admittedly I got to the middle of the third round and felt like packing it in but I got through it all in 50 minutes! Burpees seem to be a real killer for me which took the longest of all the exercises.

End of week 1....
So I finished week one. I pretty much ache in many places, especially my legs after that last session. Once I had entered my times into the coach section I clicked on "Next Week" and was presented with a few Max's, two Aphrodite's and two Metis's (see here) All in all I have four sessions this week, the first one being Aphrodite!

Considering that the weather for today is clear skies and tomorrow it is raining I've chosen to start tomorrow as I really need to install a new wood burner in the office and spend a few hours chopping wood. The likeliness of be being able to get the most out of a freeletics session when I've been doing that all day is slim.

To sum up, I feel like I have more energy in myself so it was all worth it!

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