Monday 12 May 2014

Freeletics Week 9

As promised, it's Monday and I have just finished the first set. This week it is 4 sessions, two of which are 6 max exercises! I'll update the page as the week goes on.

But before I break it all down, here's the lowdown on the new motivation. For those of you who have been with me from the start will know that the beard is a reminder to exercise, because when I have completed the 15 weeks it's coming off.

However this weekend I was talking to a photographer whilst out training the dogs and told her all about the whole transformation thing and how I was looking forward to it and I was asked to do a naked photo shoot for a calendar for fieldsports! At first I was a bit dubious, "What if i'm not quite there", "What if my top looks great but I can't loose my belly" and the thoughts just kept on coming. Then I thought to myself, you know what, it's about time you stopped worrying about it and just did it. It's a charity event for a start and I owe it to myself and to others to be awesome and push myself as hard as I can.

That following night I came back and did my Kentauros session, then ran around the house a few times and finished off with a set of Push-ups MAX. I am more determined than ever to get to the end of the 15 weeks in the best condition I can. Especially as the photo shoot is the weekend I finish the coach sessions!

So day one, Monday, done, BOOM..

Session 1:
Leg Lever Max 90 *PB
Squat Max 182 *PB
Pushup Max 4 *PB

Leg Lever Max 65*
Squat Max 108* (injury)
Pushup Max 36*

Pushed as much as I could on all and by the time I had finished the first set of pushup max's my arms were burning, really burning.

Second set of each hurt, the Levers just because my muscles were tired but the squats mainly because of the breaks in my right ankle. As I started the second set I felt a searing pain in my ankle and had to prop myself up on a desk. It was too painful to put any weight on it so I tried to roll my foot around in it's socket and put a plank of wood under my heel and then began very slowly to do squats. Eventually the pain reduced to a bearable level. Pretty glad when that finished lemme tell you!

Session 2:
Aphrodite 24:34 *PB
Phew! really sweating this time and no surprise either. That's two minutes shaved off the last PB. I still had to stop and take a breather during the sets of 50's. I get to 30 and I need to stop for ten seconds and then do them in sets of tens with a 5 to 10 second break between each.

Really pleased with today. It's a pretty muggy day, sunny but pouring with rain which will make me sweat more. May take tomorrow (Wednesday) as a break day. We shall see.

.. Ended up being a break day Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday! Did both the following on Sunday.

Session 3:
Kentauros 40:30 * PB
More than happy with the time seems as I beat the first time which is when I was doing a shorter distance by mistake. Quite hard this morning as it's quite warm today (22C as I write this). Then had a couple of hours break before doing the following session. Simply because it's such a nice day that I feel a BBQ coming on and maybe a few beers, the last thing I want to be doing is finding an excuse later that I can't finish today's sessions off because I'm half asleep.

Session 4:

Leg Lever Max 95 * PB
Squat Max 184 * PB
Pushup Max 45 *

Leg Lever Max * 64
Squat Max * PB 201
Pushup Max 38

So far so good, another week done and feeling great. Leg Levers still have a way to go as I am still needing to rest during the set, same goes for pushups. As for the squats, they are just a matter of getting faster because I don't take a break now and they are all in strict form so the only way is to get faster with them.

Surprisingly I managed to apply that thought to the second set doing one breath in as I sunk down and one inhale as i reached the top but just slightly faster and hey presto, pushed the 200 mark even after doing 184 only ten mins earlier!

Now to slap some chicken breasts on the BBQ and prep some tasty salad.

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