Tuesday 10 June 2014

Freeletics Week 12

This week has been a major struggle. After a week of being sick and eating hardly anything (approx 500 cals or less a day) I finally gave in and spoke to the Doctor. Turns out I have had food poisoning and I still have something, of which I forget the name of it which I need to take some medicine for to settle my stomache and stop the nausea.

I started the week on Thursday because I only finished last week on Tuesday evening and I was back to feeling like death warmed up on Wednesday which is when I spoke to the Doc.

I figured that I would go weigh myself, only to find that I weigh more now than when I started! I guess it's the amount of muscle mass because I am visually different, bigger muscles, dropped three inches from my waist and a drastic reduction in the ol' love handles. I even got out of the bath the other day and was surprised to see my abs poking through when I bent forward to sit up.

So the week went like this.....

Session 1 (Thursday)
Artemis ... Fail
This session started well, 50 burpees were not a problem and then onto 50 pullups which although hard work I did manage to push through. 100 pushups were hard but splitting them down to sets of ten and having a small break meant I could get through them in good time. Then onto 150 squats, at which point I was really struggling for energy. Finally the last 50 burpees were too much, I managed 15 by doing 5 at a time, at which point I felt sick, really sick, cold and clammy and dizzy. I had some water and laid on the floor for a few minutes and tried again but my body wasn't having it. So I called it a day and hoped that it was the lack of fuel in my body and not the sickness that was stopping me going the distance.

The following morning (Friday) I made myself eat a proper breakfast, eggs, beans, mushrooms and then for lunch a mackerel salad along with 5 litres of water. One of the litres exactly 90 mins before my exercise.

Session 2 (Friday)
Venus 37:07
Started to feel better in waves so gave it my all today, although my heart feels like it's about to burst through my chest.

Session 3 (Sunday)
Situp MAX 115*PB
Leg Lever MAX 48
Lesson learnt today, always best to split these up, I had only left ten minutes between exercises so there was no way I could have gotten a decent number of Leg Levers done. That and still feeling mighty sorry for myself.

Session 4 (Tuesday)
Artemis 32:33
I feel much better now all the pills have kicked in, no more sickness and my appetite is back. Fingers crossed I haven't lost too much strength for the last few weeks. Apart from the pullups I do like this one and with the sun shining and a breeze in the air it was a great workout and a fantastic feeling being back to my usual self even if my stamina is down. Two minutes more than last time.

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