Tuesday 2 October 2012

Trial flying session....

Not sure what to expect today when we all got there, my partner Steve (business partner, not the windy walks type) and myself decided; (actually I rail-roaded Steve) to take flying lessons, something I have wanted to do since a child. So we booked in a couple of back to back flights in a Piper PA28 and Invited Steve's daughter Helena to come along.

I have to admit that I have taken controls of gliders in the past a long time ago and other than flying radio control planes and messing about on FSX I have no real flying experience. Bearing this in mind we went to Doncaster Sheffield Flying School at Robin Hood Airport  and after half an hours briefing and some waiting around for the aircraft we went airside to the aircraft. Not as large as I expected for some reason! In fact sat inside the back of the aircraft it seemed much smaller than my defender, which thinking about it is probably true.

The first flight was with our instructor (Matt) talking through the ATC calls, some of the basic checks and taxiing out to the runway. Fortunately a 14kt wind head on was all we had at that moment and some cloud cover. Steve chose to fly out from EGCN towards VRP Warmsworth and on to Leeds airspace to fly over H's work. Matt took off, talked for a bit, although I do admit by this time I could attribute the flight to something like being on a roller coaster, small aircraft don't half get thrown around in turbulant air and I was shaking a bit. Actually that's a lie, I was shaking a lot, or at least I was when Matt said Steve Could take control.  The control freak in me was having kittens by this point and it seemed to get a lot bumpier, although I am sure it wasn't really as Steve did a great job.

We circled around Leeds over Helena's work where there was lots of guessing where it was, finally found it and headed back to EGCN where Matt took over and set us down smoothly.

Great first flight which left me a little unsure, maybe when you are in control of the aircraft it is a little different...... How right could I be, time for my turn.

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