Friday 3 January 2014

Water Fast Day 3 - The cake climax

Another day, another bottle of water.

Mind you I could of murdered a cake last night. I have a weakness for Christmas cake and shortly after posting yesterdays blog a little voice from the kitchen asks "I've finished tea, can I come and sit on the sofa and eat my cake" closely followed by the wonderful vision of a plate of Christmas cake and a glass of Baileys. MMMMmmmm. That for me was the climax of my hunger!

Although it came close this morning while walking the dogs and a fellow dog walker turned the conversation onto bread and butter pudding. Needless to say I was very hungry this morning.

Not to mention our groceries were delivered this morning! They came while my other half was at work so I had to endure 6 bags of glorious food stashing . I then remembering the order from this morning "Feed the dogs the ham as it's only got a couple of days on the use by and I don't want it"... Now they know how it feels to have a 3rd party sit and salivate while you are eating. Needless to say neither of them offered me any and I tucked into another cup of tea.

All the usual detox signs are there especially last night. Every muscle in my body seemed to ache, the bed felt colder than usual to the point where I had to wear some clothes in bed. Fortunately I don't feel dizzy like previous fasts. My tongue is the usual white so there are still things making their way out of me at the moment.

I've tried something I read online the other day and done some exercise  just some sit ups and some push ups. What a difference that made! As tiring as it was (only 20 of each) I did feel a huge rush of energy and felt much better after them, so maybe I will do that a few times a day.

The rest of the day has been rather uneventful, spent most of it working on my own projects ready for the return to work next week and avoiding Facebook  just seems these days people use it to whine and talk to dead relatives, very strange. I have found one really awesome feelgood thing today which is  watching an fantastic 24 hour film online that constantly made me smile and gave me that warm happy feeling inside.

Well that's nearly the end of day 3, nite all.....

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