Monday 6 January 2014

Water Fast Day 5

I forgot to do this entry yesterday as I am now at the morning of day six, however I shall just skim over the memories of yesterday.

I felt much the same in that I still ached a bit in my legs, my thoughts were clear and food was a nice thought but no hunger was present. Also still damn cold!

The morning I had planned on starting work as I was wanting to write some "How to's" for the systems I develop to help customers understand the importance of nurturing the systems which I was hoping to start on at 10am. As it was we had visitors at 11 so the morning was made up of cleaning and moving things around and training the dogs. No sooner had I sat down than It was time to put the pooches in the van and go back in the house, which at the time I felt quite happy about but by the time I had actually sat down to start work it was 1pm and I just felt complete frustration. Usually I would have overcome that and ploughed through my work but just couldn't. I ended up doing a total of 2 hours constructive work and packing it in at 5pm in exchange for doing some research.

I learnt that it is quite true what the blogs I have seen say about fasting, I certainly don't cope well with emotions when on a fast, giving into frustration and also when I couldn't figure some sections of code out I felt pretty stressed and couldn't shake it.

So I went back into the house and carried on studying about running a smallholding. It still makes me smile now how you crave food so much when not fasting just because it is a channel for emotions. Whereas you really should be getting the emotion from something else and not making an attachment to that emotion through food.

In the end I went to bed at 8pm and had a relatively good night sleep, other than some mad vivid dreams and one lucid one which was a first for me. Shame the subjects were not good ones.

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